August 24, 2022
New class, Fresh faces, a new year embraces🎈
The start of the school year is always exciting, but this time it's even more so because your child will be starting their first semester in kindergarten & primary school. So what do we need to prepare before sending the kids to school? Never too late and time to prepare now and ensure you don't miss anything!
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話咁快小朋友就要讀幼稚園同小學,真係好唔捨得佢哋大得咁快啊!仲有兩個星期就9月開學,唔知咁多位家長準備好晒未呢?話晒讀幼稚園同小學都算係仔女嘅小小里程碑,緊係唔可以買漏嘢啦~ 仲有時間一齊準備!嚟Baby Sophie 買嘢,就開學唔怕有甩漏啦!
而家用支付寶、微信或 PayMe付款仲可以享有85折優惠(折扣碼:CONSUM22)加免費送貨!
立即係Baby Sophie 購買啦!

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