August 15, 2022
How pretend play helps children learn 😆
The epidemic has reached pandemic proportions, with some parents staying home to care for their children. In addition, interaction levels are on a steady decline which affects one's ability to socialize professionally - but there are some solutions to help.
Role-playing can be fun to get into character and practice social skills! It's also great for creativity and problem-solving ability improvement. For example: The more you play the game of pretend with your friends or family members (or even yourself!), then it will allow children to have better cooperation abilities and develop empathy. Since everyone knows what it's like being on one side vs. another in an exchange situation where two teams are vying over possession of something valuable and help with eye coordination.
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家長不妨同小朋友進行角色扮演愉快過暑假!而家用支付寶、微信或 PayMe付款仲可以享有85折優惠(折扣碼:CONSUM22)加免費送貨!

If you want your child to be more engaged in learning new words, there are some great ways to do it. But, first, we need some props and equipment to help us with our gameplay; let's go shopping!
家長也可以設定一個特定的場景,鼓勵孩子使用新詞彙,例如在超級市場購物、 煮飯仔等等,甚至準備道具,讓孩子更投入遊戲。
家長也可以設定一個特定的場景,鼓勵孩子使用新詞彙,例如在超級市場購物、 煮飯仔等等,甚至準備道具,讓孩子更投入遊戲。

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