Baby Sophie FAQ - 1

Baby Sophie FAQ


Baby Sophie FAQ -

Do you have any questions about Baby Sophie?

We're constantly getting two common inquiries-
If the product is in stock and how long it will take to ship locally in Hong Kong or internationally.

The answer to both these queries is yes! All items on our website are immediately available except those that have already been sold out or pre-order.

And typically, it takes 1-2 days from placing the order until delivery to your home; 5-7 days internationally, depending on where your location is. But, if you are one of our regular customers, I believe you wouldn't worry about the timing from us. Because you know we are just so speedy, efficient, and trustworthy.

If Baby Sophie is new to you, do not worry as well. We can ensure we will do our best to show you all our products and services.


Baby Sophie 常見問題 -

您對Baby Sophie有任何疑問嗎?

你知道嗎原來每日我們都不斷收到兩個常見的問題 -

這兩個問題的答案都是肯定的! 我們網站上的所有商品都可以立即購買都是現貨,當然有些商品已經售罄會清楚標明已售罄或是預訂貨品。

通常情況下,本地客人訂購從下訂單到送貨上門一般只需要 1-2 天; 國際件5-7 天,具體取決於您所在的位置。 如果您是我們的常客,相信您一定不會擔心我們的出貨送貨時間安排。 因為你知道我們就是這麼快,有效率, 值得信賴。

如果Baby Sophie對您來說是新很新,也不要擔心。 我們可以確保我們將盡最大努力向您展示我們所有的產品和服務。


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