Petites Pommes New Arrival | Baby Sophie

We have some exciting news to share. Petites Pommes swimming products are arriving us this summer. Check them all out, they are classic but extremely beautiful.
The Petites Pommes swim ring is made from high-quality materials, so you can be sure it will last for seasons to come. In addition, it comes in a range of beautiful colors to complete any summer look! Suitable for kids from 1-6 years old and above. Size Olivia - 45cm, Anna - 60cm and Sally - 90cm.
Buy now, and your little ones will be splashing around in the pool in no time!
我們有一些令人十分興奮的消息要分享。 Petites Pommes 游泳產品到貨了。 快快預覽一下並立即訂購,下週中至尾就送貨到你家了。
Petites Pommes 游泳圈採用優質材料製成,因此您可以可以持續使用多個季節。 而且一系列美麗的顏色一定會岩任何一個你同小朋友的夏日造型!游泳圈共有工個尺寸, 適合1-6歲或以上的兒童使用。分別有Olivia - 45cm, Anna - 60cm and Sally - 90cm.
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