Consumption Voucher Promotion - 15% Off Discount

Consumption Voucher Promotion
We have exciting news! From 03 Aug - 31 Aug 2022 , use Alipay , WeChat Pay or PayMe pay to take advantage of 15% off on all full-price items.
Shop today on the Baby Sophie website and enjoy the speedy delivery.
Key in Promotional Code before checkout: CONSUM22
Terms & Conditions -
Promotion applied to both in-store and online purchases.
Only accept Alipay and WeChat Pay and PayMe on this promotion.
There would be no cancellation or refund if the customer forgot to key in the promotion code before checkout.
Order will be automatically cancelled if you do not use payment methods of Alipay, WeChat Pay & PayMe.
There will be no refund, exchange, or cancellation for items that use this discount code. So please make sure you check all your items before checkout.
Gift-Hampers do not join this promotion.
Gift-wrapping and card services do not join this promotion.
Promotion only applied to full-price items.
We have exciting news! From 03 Aug - 31 Aug 2022 , use Alipay , WeChat Pay or PayMe pay to take advantage of 15% off on all full-price items.
Shop today on the Baby Sophie website and enjoy the speedy delivery.
Key in Promotional Code before checkout: CONSUM22
Terms & Conditions -
Promotion applied to both in-store and online purchases.
Only accept Alipay and WeChat Pay and PayMe on this promotion.
There would be no cancellation or refund if the customer forgot to key in the promotion code before checkout.
Order will be automatically cancelled if you do not use payment methods of Alipay, WeChat Pay & PayMe.
There will be no refund, exchange, or cancellation for items that use this discount code. So please make sure you check all your items before checkout.
Gift-Hampers do not join this promotion.
Gift-wrapping and card services do not join this promotion.
Promotion only applied to full-price items.
號外號外! 由 8 月 3 日 起至 8 月 31 日,使用支付寶、微信 或 PayMe 支付可享受所有正價商品85折的折扣優惠。
立即就在 Baby Sophie 網站上購物啦,更可以享受快速送貨服務。
結帳前輸入優惠碼: CONSUM22
使用此折扣代碼的商品將不會退款、換貨或取消。 因此,請確保在結帳前檢查所有物品。
#stbabysophie #香港寶寶 #支付寶 #微信支付 #Alippay #wechatpay #Payme #消費券優惠 #消費券 #寶寶 #香港媽媽 #暑假 #放暑假 #放暑假有乜做 #香港寶寶店 #家長 #小朋友